About the Financial Services Council's Members

The Financial Services Council (FSC) has over 100 members. Our Full Members represent  Australia's retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, investment platforms and financial advisory networks.

Our Supporting Members represent professional services firms such as ICT, consulting, accounting, legal, recruitment and research houses.

The industry invests $3.0 trillion for more than 15.6 million Australians. The pool of funds under management is larger than Australia’s GDP, and the capitalisation of the Australian Securities Exchange is the world's third-largest pool of managed funds.

The FSC promotes best practices for the financial services industry by setting mandatory Standards for its members and providing Guidance Notes to assist in operational efficiency.


Supporting Members

Organisation Name Website
APIR Systems Limitedhttp://www.apir.com.au/
Ashurst Australiahttps://www.ashurst.com/
Australian Securities Exchangehttps://www.asx.com.au
Avaloq Australia Pty Ltdhttps://www.avaloq.com
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsuhttp://www.deloitte.com.au
Dentons Australia Limitedhttps://www.dentons.com/en/global-presence/australasia/australia
DLA Piper Australiahttp://www.dlapiper.com.au
Ernst & Young Australiahttp://www.ey.com.au
FE Fundinfo (Australia)https://www.fefundinfo.com
Finura Grouphttps://www.finuragroup.com
Hall & Wilcox Lawyershttp://www.hallandwilcox.com.au
Herbert Smith Freehillshttp://www.hsf.com
Johnson Winter Slatteryhttp://www.jws.com.au
K&L Gateshttps://www.klgates.com
King & Wood Mallesonshttp://www.kwm.com
King Irvinghttps://www.kicg.com.au
Lab Group Services Pty Ltdhttp://www.labgroup.com.au
Listed Investment Companies & Trusts (LICAT) Associationhttps://www.licat.com.au/
Mayflower Consulting Pty Limitedhttps://www.mayflower.com.au
Minter Ellisonhttps://www.minterellison.com
Morningstar Australasia Pty Ltdhttp://www.morningstar.com
MUFG Corporate Markets (AU) Limitedhttps://mpms.mufg.com
NMG Consultinghttps://www.NMG-Group.com
Norton Rose Fulbrighthttp://www.nortonrose.com/au/
Objective Corporationhttps://www.objective.com.au
PayPal Australia Pty Ltdhttps://www.paypal.com/au
PX Partners Pty Ltdhttps://www.px.partners