The FSC is a peak body which sets mandatory Standards and develops policy for more than 100 member companies in one of Australia’s largest industry sectors, financial services..
Our Full Members represent Australia’s retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, investment platforms and financial advice licensees.
Our Supporting Members represent the professional services firms such as ICT, consulting, accounting, legal, recruitment, actuarial and research houses.
The financial services industry is responsible for investing more than $3 trillion on behalf of over 15.6 million Australians. The pool of funds under management is larger than Australia’s GDP and the capitalisation of the Australian Securities Exchange, and is one of the largest pools of managed funds in the world.

Membership of the FSC provides many benefits for both Full Members (wealth managers) and Supporting Members (professional services firms which service the wealth managers).
Full Membership
While some of the value propositions for your type of business may be specific in some respects, Full Membership of the FSC brings with it the following benefits;
- Direct input into financial services policy and regulation. Your voice is heard early in the conversations.
- Shaping the industry and the national agenda: access to pre-consultation conversations.
- Access, analytics, regulatory and policy work: cut by industry/sector/business.
- Networking & intel gathering - a seat at the table.
- Access to a range of highly-credentialed policy managers across the business.
- Policy briefings on the latest legislative and regulatory issues free to you and your staff.
- Access to the member-only portal which includes information, reports and briefings unavailable to non-members.
- Preferential rates at all FSC events including conferences and lunches.
- Our monthly FSC News to keep up to date with policy and other news.
- Participation in the FSC’s activity at every level - including the Board, Board Committees and Working Groups to contribute to the public policy debate.
Supporting Membership
While some of the value propositions may differ due to type of business, Supporting Membership of the FSC brings with it the following benefits;
- Showcase your credentials and IP to the entire financial services industry.
- Hear about the consultations, issues and industry changes ahead of your clients.
- Direct input into financial services policy and regulation.
- Influence the public policy debate.
- Unique networking and intel gathering opportunities.
- Access to the member-only portal which includes information, reports and briefings unavailable to non-members.
- Preferential rates at all FSC events including conferences and lunches.
- Our monthly FSC News to keep up to date with policy and other news.
- Access via working groups and expert groups alongside Full Members to legal, accounting and tax expertise on current and emerging issues.
Associate Membership
As an Associate Member you have access to all the information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on the key issues driving the financial services industry. This membership category is designed for organisations who need to stay informed and in touch, through access to the FSC’s news, FSC-only research papers, media releases, as well as technical and thought-leadership articles and blogs.
With this information and insight, you’ll have everything you need to develop a higher level of industry expertise and profile. This gives you a significant competitive advantage over non-members. Membership includes;
- Access to the member-only portal on the FSC website.
- Policy briefings, conferences, events, seminars, all at preferential prices and survey updates.
- Access to professional online resources, such as submissions, FSC-only research, media releases, thought- leadership articles and blogs.

Standards & Guidelines
Compliance with FSC Standards is compulsory for all Full Members.

Board Committees
Each of our policy streams has a Board Committee to steward it,co-chaired by two FSC Board Members.

Working Groups
With over 80 working groups, the FSC works on behalf of members and the industry for good public policy.

Expert Groups
Made up of industry specialists, our expert groups support the policy managers.

The range of events available are conferences, policy briefings, workshops, breakfast and lunches.

The FSC has a training partnerships to give members access to opportunities at preferential pricing. Additionally, the FSC runs Unit Pricing (Introductory) training.

After a successful six years with First Nations Foundation the FSC is currently considering its next philanthropic journey.

Exclusive Content
The FSC provides exclusive content for the benefit of members only.
Join Financial Services Council
Full Membership
Behind the member portal, FSC Full Members (the wealth managers) can access thought leadership, technical and specialist research provided especially for you.
Behind the member portal, FSC Associate Members can access the latest news and information related to the key issues driving the financial services industry.
Behind the member portal, FSC Supporting Members (our professional services firms) can access thought leadership, technical and specialist research provided especially for you. Not a member? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The FSC is grateful to have a number of strategic partners with whom we deliver quality conferences, events and research. Our current strategic partner is: