The FSC welcomes the 2025-26 ‘no surprises’ Federal Budget which reinforces stability and provides certainty for the financial services industry and its consumers on the eve of the federal election.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the release of the Government’s exposure draft legislation covering part of the second tranche of the Delivering Better Financial Outcomes package.  

Today, business and finance groups have come together to endorse Australia’s continued bipartisan commitment to the Paris Agreement goals and call for all levels of government to continue to support Australia’s transition to a clean, competitive, resilient and prosperous net zero economy.

By Blake Briggs, CEO of the FSC There’s an old joke, that the only person excited on a Monday is a retired person.

Welcome to Issue 84 of the FSC Policy Update. This article outlines legislative and regulatory developments in the superannuation, investments, financial advice, tax, technology and innovation sectors, plus more. Learn about what’s impacting the financial services industry below.  Click on the topic of interest below to read more.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes ASIC’s proposal that financial services businesses no longer need to report minor or technical breaches that do not cause financial loss to consumers under certain circumstances, but more needs to be done.

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