The Financial Services Council (FSC) notes the certainty of today’s Government announcement to tax superannuation balances over $3 million but warns there are still important details to be resolved. 

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the Federal Government prioritising public consultation on a proposed definition of the objective for the superannuation system. 

By Blake Briggs, CEO of the FSC  Financial advice delivers a direct, tangible benefit to consumers, and the failure of the current regulatory framework to deliver affordable advice on the topics consumers need is causing financial harm to millions of Australians.

The Quality of Advice Review’s final report released today by the Government lays a strong foundation to ensure many more Australians get the financial advice they need.

By John Brogden, Trustee Director of CFS One of the great errors we make in life is overcompensating for our last mistake. When last in government, the ALP legislated the Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) reforms. These important reforms were in response to an industry that had failed to evolve into a profession and in which too many had forgotten to place the interests of their clients above their own.

Welcome to Issue 69 of the FSC Policy Update. 2023 will be a significant year for the financial services industry, with the new Government finding its feet and likely progressing a significant reform agenda across financial services.  

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