News Article

Welcome to Issue 77 of the FSC Policy Update. This article outlines legislative and regulatory developments in the superannuation, investments, financial advice, tax, technology and innovation sectors, plus more. Learn about what’s impacting the financial services industry below.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the Government’s comprehensive framework to deliver on its commitment to make financial advice more accessible and affordable for millions of Australians.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) has released the results of its 2023 Diversity Survey, highlighting the commitment of its global and domestic fund manager members to improve gender diversity within the investment management sector.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) notes the Government’s decision to consult on whether to reform the Your Future, Your Super performance test to avoid discouraging superannuation fund investment decisions away from investments that would strengthen the national economy.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the Government progressing the climate-related financial disclosures regime with the Treasurer’s introduction into Parliament of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and other measures) Bill.

The Joint Associations Working Group (JAWG) is calling on the Government to move swiftly to fix legislation introduced into the Parliament so that it doesn’t make advice more unaffordable and less accessible for consumers.

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