Summit 2019

A discounted accommodation rate for The Summit 2019 delegates has been secured at Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park. A limited number of King Deluxe rooms are available for $310 per night.You have the option to book your accommodation during the registration process. Please note this discounted accommodation rate is only available to book through the registration process, it is not available if you contact the hotel directlyWELCOMEPROGRAMSPONSORSDINNERACCOMMODATIONMOBILEAbout the eventFor the best views of the financial services industry, take your place at The Summit. For two days in August, the FSC provides a unique vantage point for the entire financial services industry. Away from the distractions of our day-to-day schedules, The Summit is our opportunity to gather and discuss the high-level policy issues that are shaping our industry. Joining you at The Summit this year will be your peers, colleagues and industry leaders. With talks and presentations from Ministers, inspirational thought leaders, disruptive influencers, and public policy experts, you’ll gain unique perspective on the ideas, opinions and policies that are leading the debate. Through the networking and break-out sessions, you can share your point of view with fellow attendees. As in previous years, The Summit 2019 will be focusing on the key challenges facing the financial services industry. The conference plenary sessions cover the high-level issues facing wealth management, with concurrent sessions delving deeper into the details of advice, superannuation, investment, tax and life insurance.Avoid disappointment - register today!DATE27 - 28 August 2019TIME8:30am - 5:00pmVENUESheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park, 161 Elizabeth Street, SydneyCOSTGroup Rate (Minimum of 4 registrations) $2,350 per person FSC Member Rate $2,650 per person Non-Member Rate $3,050 per personREGISTER HERE ._ERbj1g7D { position: relative; } ._VWvqNvR9 { vertical-align: middle; } ._7XqAY8_A > span:last-child { line-height: inherit; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"] > span:first-child { display: block; margin-right: 10px; float: left; font-size: 2em; background: #919da9; color: black; width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"]:not(.dropcap--none) > span:first-child { margin-right: 20px; text-align: center; } ._7XqAY8_A.dropcap--none > span:first-child { text-align: inherit; 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The Summit 2019 Dinner will be held on Tuesday 27 August at Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park.DETAILSDate: Tuesday 27 AugustTime: Pre-drinks from 6.15pm to 7.15pmDinner from 7.15pm to 10.15pmVenue: Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park: Grand Ballroom, Level 2Dress Code: Business attireWELCOMEPROGRAMSPONSORSDINNERACCOMMODATIONMOBILEAbout the eventFor the best views of the financial services industry, take your place at The Summit. For two days in August, the FSC provides a unique vantage point for the entire financial services industry. Away from the distractions of our day-to-day schedules, The Summit is our opportunity to gather and discuss the high-level policy issues that are shaping our industry. Joining you at The Summit this year will be your peers, colleagues and industry leaders. With talks and presentations from Ministers, inspirational thought leaders, disruptive influencers, and public policy experts, you’ll gain unique perspective on the ideas, opinions and policies that are leading the debate. Through the networking and break-out sessions, you can share your point of view with fellow attendees. As in previous years, The Summit 2019 will be focusing on the key challenges facing the financial services industry. The conference plenary sessions cover the high-level issues facing wealth management, with concurrent sessions delving deeper into the details of advice, superannuation, investment, tax and life insurance.Avoid disappointment - register today!DATE27 - 28 August 2019TIME8:30am - 5:00pmVENUESheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park, 161 Elizabeth Street, SydneyCOSTGroup Rate (Minimum of 4 registrations) $2,350 per person FSC Member Rate $2,650 per person Non-Member Rate $3,050 per personREGISTER HERE ._ERbj1g7D { position: relative; } ._VWvqNvR9 { vertical-align: middle; } ._7XqAY8_A > span:last-child { line-height: inherit; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"] > span:first-child { display: block; margin-right: 10px; float: left; font-size: 2em; background: #919da9; color: black; width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"]:not(.dropcap--none) > span:first-child { margin-right: 20px; text-align: center; } ._7XqAY8_A.dropcap--none > span:first-child { text-align: inherit; 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Thank you to our 2019 sponsors, if you are interested in sponsorship for the The Summit click here.PwCIn an increasingly complex world, PwC works with businesses, Government and the community to help Australia continue to thrive and grow. PwC Australia delivers quality in audit, assurance, consulting and tax services to more than 5,000 clients. We’re part of a network of firms in 158 countries with over 250,000 people. PwC is one of the top 50 brands worldwide and PwC Australia is among LinkedIn’s top companies for where Australians want to work. We are bold about our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and we empower flexible working. Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We believe the most important problems are better solved together. PwC is a powerful multiplier of connections and innovation. It’s what we do best: connecting people, businesses, technology and ideas to solve important problems. At PwC, we call this The Together Effect.KPMG We are a global network of professional firms providing a full range of services to organisations across a wide range of industries, government, and not-for-profit sectors. Our service areas are Audit, Assurance & Risk Consulting; Deals, Tax & Legal; Management Consulting; and Innovation & Digital Solutions. In addition, KPMG Enterprise tailors its services to meet the unique needs of mid-sized, fast growing and family owned businesses. We operate in 153 countries and have more than 200,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity. In Australia, KPMG has a long tradition of professionalism and integrity, combined with our dynamic approach to advising clients in a digital-driven world. We have approximately 6,700 people, including over 400 partners, with offices around the country. Our deep expertise has seen us work with renowned companies to help them solve complex challenges, steer change, disrupt sectors and grow. Collaboration and innovation are ingrained in our approach, with our people aiming to provide genuine, sustainable value for our clientsMLC Life InsuranceMLC Life Insurance is a specialised life insurance business, operated by MLC Limited. Nippon Life Insurance holds a majority 80% of the shares in MLC Limited. The Australian-led and managed business aims to leverage Nippon Life’s global presence, built over 133 years, alongside MLC Life Insurance’s significant experience in understanding and meeting the insurance needs of everyday Australians since 1886. MLC Limited is part of the Nippon Life Insurance Group. MLC Limited is not part of the NAB Group of Companies. RBC Investor & Treasury Services RBC Investor & Treasury Services (RBC I&TS) is a specialist provider of asset services, custody, payments and treasury and market services for financial and other institutional investors worldwide, with over 4,500 employees in 17 countries across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. We deliver services which safeguard client assets, underpinned by client-centric digital solutions which continue to be enhanced and evolved in line with our clients’ changing needs. Trusted with CAD 4.3 trillion in client assets under administration1, RBC I&TS has been rated by our clients as the #1 global custodian for eight consecutive years2 and is a financially strong partner with among the highest credit ratings globally.31 RBC quarterly results released November 28, 20182 Global Custody Survey, Global Investor ISF, 2011 to 2018, unweighted3 Standard & Poor’s (AA-) and Moody’s (Aa2) legacy senior long-term debt ratings of Royal Bank of Canada as of November 27, 2018APIR Systems LimitedAPIR Systems Limited (APIR) is an independent, privately owned utility that provides a critical component of the wealth management industry's infrastructure. Since 1993, APIR has been identifying, coding and managing reference data for unlisted financial products. Today APIR is the industry standard identification regime in Australia, having been endorsed by the Financial Services Council (FSC) in 1999. From a standard perspective, the "APIR Code" is universal across the Australian wealth management industry, being used by all the distribution platforms, custodians and fund administrators. Our supporting data services are used by leading research houses, data houses, major software developers and financial planning desktops. Today some A$3 trillion worth of investments are transacted, managed and administered by service providers that rely on APIR and ISIN codes and on our range of reference data services to support their systems, processing and reporting and documentation requirements. In Australia, we are the issuer of ISIN (International Securities Identification Numbers) under licence from the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and the Registration Agent in Australia and Asia for the London Stock Exchange (LSE) for the issuing of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI).LAB GroupLAB Group was founded by financial services industry professionals and the company has evolved LABform to meet the constantly changing Know Your Customer and Compliance demands of the regulators.LABform streamlines all aspects of customer acquisition, from expression of interest to account opening through a simple three-step process.We have always focused on our strengths as a specialised service. We also have financial services industry focus, visibility and expertise to standardise account opening using best practices.ShineWing Australia ShineWing Australia is a unique accounting practice that offers clients the capability and global reach of the ‘Big 4’ accounting firms, with the commitment, drive and personalised service of an independent, Australian firm. We have over 200 staff and 30 Partners and we’re growing. Our people bring together a powerful range of skills, experiences and perspectives to help drive the growth of our clients. We provide expertise across assurance, business advisory, corporate finance, tax, private clients and wealth management services. ShineWing Australia is part of the ShineWing network that has offices in more than 20 locations across Asia. ShineWing is the largest domestic accounting firm in mainland China, which means we can offer our clients real, on-the-ground connections and local knowledge. We can help clients navigate process and procedures to establish a presence in Asia more efficiently and maximise the value of their investment quickly. We are also a member of Praxity International, a global alliance of independent accountancy, tax and business consulting firms that have a presence in over 100 countries. So, whatever or wherever your growth ambitions may be, we can help connect you to opportunity.  WELCOMEPROGRAMSPONSORSDINNERACCOMMODATIONMOBILEAbout the eventFor the best views of the financial services industry, take your place at The Summit. For two days in August, the FSC provides a unique vantage point for the entire financial services industry. Away from the distractions of our day-to-day schedules, The Summit is our opportunity to gather and discuss the high-level policy issues that are shaping our industry. Joining you at The Summit this year will be your peers, colleagues and industry leaders. With talks and presentations from Ministers, inspirational thought leaders, disruptive influencers, and public policy experts, you’ll gain unique perspective on the ideas, opinions and policies that are leading the debate. Through the networking and break-out sessions, you can share your point of view with fellow attendees. As in previous years, The Summit 2019 will be focusing on the key challenges facing the financial services industry. The conference plenary sessions cover the high-level issues facing wealth management, with concurrent sessions delving deeper into the details of advice, superannuation, investment, tax and life insurance.Avoid disappointment - register today!DATE27 - 28 August 2019TIME8:30am - 5:00pmVENUESheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park, 161 Elizabeth Street, SydneyCOSTGroup Rate (Minimum of 4 registrations) $2,350 per person FSC Member Rate $2,650 per person Non-Member Rate $3,050 per personREGISTER HERE ._ERbj1g7D { position: relative; } ._VWvqNvR9 { vertical-align: middle; } ._7XqAY8_A > span:last-child { line-height: inherit; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"] > span:first-child { display: block; margin-right: 10px; float: left; font-size: 2em; background: #919da9; color: black; width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"]:not(.dropcap--none) > span:first-child { margin-right: 20px; text-align: center; } ._7XqAY8_A.dropcap--none > span:first-child { text-align: inherit; 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The Summit 2019 Program is available here.The program is being updated constantly, please check back regularly for an updated version.WELCOMEPROGRAMSPONSORSDINNERACCOMMODATIONMOBILEAbout the eventFor the best views of the financial services industry, take your place at The Summit. For two days in August, the FSC provides a unique vantage point for the entire financial services industry. Away from the distractions of our day-to-day schedules, The Summit is our opportunity to gather and discuss the high-level policy issues that are shaping our industry. Joining you at The Summit this year will be your peers, colleagues and industry leaders. With talks and presentations from Ministers, inspirational thought leaders, disruptive influencers, and public policy experts, you’ll gain unique perspective on the ideas, opinions and policies that are leading the debate. Through the networking and break-out sessions, you can share your point of view with fellow attendees. As in previous years, The Summit 2019 will be focusing on the key challenges facing the financial services industry. The conference plenary sessions cover the high-level issues facing wealth management, with concurrent sessions delving deeper into the details of advice, superannuation, investment, tax and life insurance.Avoid disappointment - register today!DATE27 - 28 August 2019TIME8:30am - 5:00pmVENUESheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park, 161 Elizabeth Street, SydneyCOSTGroup Rate (Minimum of 4 registrations) $2,350 per person FSC Member Rate $2,650 per person Non-Member Rate $3,050 per personREGISTER HERE ._ERbj1g7D { position: relative; } ._VWvqNvR9 { vertical-align: middle; } ._7XqAY8_A > span:last-child { line-height: inherit; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"] > span:first-child { display: block; margin-right: 10px; float: left; font-size: 2em; background: #919da9; color: black; width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; } ._7XqAY8_A[class*="dropcap--"]:not(.dropcap--none) > span:first-child { margin-right: 20px; text-align: center; } ._7XqAY8_A.dropcap--none > span:first-child { text-align: inherit; 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