The FSC wants comprehensive debate about the affordability and accessibility of financial advice in Australia, and the best solutions to secure that.

The funds management sector represents $2.3 trillion in consolidated assets and is a key part of the Australian financial services sector, thus prompting ASIC to undertake a competition review of funds management.

The FSC is doing extensive work to help members prepare for the start of the Design & Distribution Obligations (DDO) regime, which begins in October 2021. 

We constantly talk about removing red tape, but it almost never gets done.

With the Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) due to commence 5 October this year, the release of ASIC Regulatory Guide RG 274 Product Design and Distribution Obligations (RG 274) in December 2020 was eagerly anticipated by the industry.

I was very pleased to recently host the FSC’s policy team in a detailed member briefing on the policy priorities for 2021.

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