Today’s announcement by the Government to increase the frequency of superannuation guarantee payments to align with wage and salary cycles is a welcome outcome that will benefit Australian consumers.

CEO of the FSC, Blake Briggs, said “This is a sensible change flagged by the Government that will improve transparency and consumer engagement in the superannuation system.

“Aligning the timing of when employers are required to pay superannuation with wages will make it easier for people to keep on top of their superannuation.”

The FSC notes the measure will commence on 1 July 2026 and intends to work with the Government on implementing the proposal to address the potential impact on small businesses.

“The Government has also shown regard to the needs of small businesses by providing a considerable implementation timeframe,” Mr Briggs added.

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Media Contact:  Ben McAlary - 0417351724 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

About the Financial Services Council

The FSC is a peak body that sets mandatory Standards and develops policies for more than 100 member companies in one of Australia’s largest industry sectors, financial services. Our Full Members represent Australia’s retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, life insurers and financial advice licensees. Our Supporting Members represent professional services firms such as ICT, consulting, accounting, legal, recruitment, actuarial and research houses. The financial services industry is responsible for investing more than $3 trillion on behalf of over 15.6 million Australians. The pool of funds under management is larger than Australia’s GDP and the capitalisation of the Australian Securities Exchange and is one of the world's largest pools of managed funds.

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