News Article

OPINION PIECE - by Nick Kirwan, Senior Policy Manager – Life Insurance

OPINION PIECE - by Michael Potter, Senior Policy Manager – Economics & Tax

OPINION PIECE - by Zach Castles, Policy Manager – Advice

Mental Health and Life Insurance Round Table discussed mutual concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Welcome to Issue 32 of the FSC Policy Update – a fortnightly member briefing on the main legislative and regulatory changes across the financial services industry.  Today is the start of the massive $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme, with more than 500,000 businesses signed up. Week three of early access to superannuation begins today, with more than one million Australians in financial distress having already applied for their money. On the other side of the coin in the COVID-19 crisis, more than four million Australians have downloaded the COVIDSafe app to help stop the spread of the virus. Last Friday night in NSW people were able to see two more friends outside their families. Last Friday a Newgate survey found we’re getting fed up with lockdowns, and PM Morrison declared Australia was “not too far away” from easing restrictions.

OPINION PIECE - by Jane Macnamara, Senior Policy Manager – Superannuation & Retirement Incomes

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