News Article

Just days away from The Summit 2019, the FSC has gained an insight into what PwC, Tax Partner, Ken Woo thinks about funds management innovation.

With the FSC ‘s annual premier conference event – The Summit – less than 2 weeks away, The FSC sat down with Julie Coates, PwC Managing Partner, Clients & Markets and Financial Services Industry Leader to get an insight into what to expect during her panel discussion on Tuesday, 27 August.

Investment and superannuation platforms were “light years ahead” of where they began several decades ago and the technology now promised unprecedented levels of engagement and customisation for investors, an FSC Technology Series Workshop has been told.

Regulation of the financial services sector is in a state of flux across the globe, as different regions pursue contrasting – and sometimes conflicting – agendas. Yet collaboration and good policy could help achieve greater unity. That’s the message from Chris Cummings, CEO of the UK’s Investment Association.

A contributor article by Paul Callaghan, General Counsel, Financial Services Council.

Update from FSC CEO Sally Loane 

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