The achievement of a broad Asia-Pacific free trade area may remain a far-off goal, but real progress is meanwhile underway in the funds industry. The Asia Region Funds Passport, an initiative of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, is set to commence next year, with final rules on eligibility and permitted investment types expected to be published shortly.

Sally Loane recently appeared on Radio National to talk with Richard Aedy about the point of superannuation.

John Trowbridge is calling for life insurance companies to create more innovative ways to interact with customers..

It’s easy to miss the big picture when short-term fixes seem to offer solutions to the daunting challenges confronting Australia’s economy. In the scramble to plug Budget deficits, however, sometimes the pillars of our national wealth are taken for granted. Superannuation is one of those.

I’m looking forward to our annual FSC Life Conference at the Four Seasons Sydney on 16 March - a content rich, one-day program which includes industry experts who will provide insights into the current and future issues that will shape the industry. 

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