More than 45 million people around the world are trapped in some form of modern slavery, according to the 2016 Global Slavery Index. This staggering figure involves a range of exploitative practices including human trafficking, forced labour, wage exploitation, child labour and debt bondage. But how does this relate to us, as investors, and what can we do about it? It’s an important question that was raised recently at a special briefing involving the Financial Services Council (FSC), Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA), the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI), Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the Australian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) about the new FSC website. We know the website is our most important brand touch point. It’s through this channel that we keep our members and our wider audience informed and up-to-date with news, insights and features. It’s important that you can easily access the information you need, from any device and any location, so we’ve developed the site to be mobile responsive with user experiences tailored to whether you’re a member or non-member.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) is a member-first organisation. We are here to help you provide all Australians with a fair and financially secure future.  Everyone at the FSC is always looking ahead, focusing on what is possible for the financial services industry so we can give you, our members, the insight and support you need to stay in touch and informed, wherever you go We know that to do this well, we need to have a first-class website that delivers relevant content and exceptional user experiences. Therefore, we’re very excited to announce that we’ll soon be launching a new website that will transform the services and support you receive from the FSC.

In January, Senior Policy Manager, Carla Hoorweg travelled to Japan as part of the JENESYS program. The JENESYS Programme (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths) is advanced by the Japanese government and aims to provide a sound foundation for strong solidarity within Asia through large-scale youth exchange. In this article Carla reflects on her trip.

The FSC has strongly supported the Government’s policy to remove tax, social security and regulatory barriers to open the market for new retirement income stream products. These reforms have moved at glacial pace, however there have been major advances in the last twelve months that show that there is broad commitment to ensuring the reforms are a success.

An interview with Ka Sen Wong, Allen & Overy by Carla Hoorweg, Senior Policy Manager, Investment, Technology & Innovation, FSCThe new tax regime for managed funds, known as the “attribution managed investment trust” or “AMIT” regime, is now up and running and many businesses are considering whether to enter the regime from 1 July 2017. We speak to Ka Sen Wong, Australian head of tax at global law firm, Allen & Overy, about the business opportunities coming out of the reforms.

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