
About the Financial Services Council's Members The Financial Services Council (FSC) is a peak body which sets mandatory Standards and develops policy for more than 100 member companies in Australia’s largest industry sector, financial services. Our Full Members represent Australia’s retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, investment platforms and financial advice licensees. Our Supporting Members represent the professional services firms such as ICT, consulting, accounting, legal, recruitment, actuarial and research houses. The financial services industry is responsible for investing more than $3 trillion on behalf of over 15.6 million Australians. The pool of funds under management is larger than Australia’s GDP and the capitalisation of the Australian Securities Exchange, and is one of the largest pools of managed funds in the world. Board Structure > Constitution > Board Charter > Policy Priorities > Become a Member Membership of the FSC provides many benefits for both Full Members (wealth managers) and Supporting Members (professional services firms which service the wealth managers).   Full Membership While some of the value propositions for your type of business may be specific in some respects, Full Membership of the FSC brings with it the following benefits: Direct input into financial services policy and regulation. Your voice is heard early in the conversations; Shaping the  industry and the national agenda: access to pre-consultation conversations; Access, analytics, regulatory and policy work: cut by industry/sector/business; Networking & intel gathering - a seat at the table; Participation in the FSC’s activity at every level - including the Board, Board Committees and Working Groups to contribute to the public policy debate; Access to a range of highly-credentialed policy managers across the business; Policy briefings on the latest legislative and regulatory issues free to you and your staff; Access to the member-only portal which includes information, reports and briefings unavailable to non-members; Preferential rates at all FSC events including conferences and lunches; and Our monthly FSC News to keep up to date with policy and other news. Supporting Membership While some of the value propositions may differ due to type of business, Supporting Membership of the FSC brings with it the following benefits: Showcase your credentials and IP to the entire financial services industry; Hear about the consultations, issues and industry changes ahead of your clients; Direct input into financial services policy and regulation; Influence the public policy debate; Unique networking and intel gathering opportunities; Access via working groups and expert groups alongside Full Members to legal, accounting and tax expertise on current and emerging issues; Access to the member-only portal which includes information, reports and briefings unavailable to non-members; Two flagship conferences each year – the Summit and FSC Life Insurance Conference - with access to broader industry trends, the ability to benchmark your business, and networking with like-minded peers; Preferential rates at all FSC events including conferences and lunches; and Our monthly FSC News to keep up to date with policy and other news. Associate Membership As an Associate Member you have access to all the information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on the key issues driving the financial services industry. This membership category is designed for organisations who need to stay informed and in touch, through access to the FSC’s news, FSC-only research papers, media releases, as well as technical and thought-leadership articles and blogs. With this information and insight, you’ll have everything you need to develop a higher level of industry expertise and profile. This gives you a significant competitive advantage over non-members. Membership includes: Access to the member-only portal on the FSC website; Access to professional online resources, such as submissions, FSC-only research, media releases, thought- leadership articles and blogs; Policy briefings, conferences, events, seminars, all at preferential prices; and Survey updates. ._ERbj1g7D { position: relative; } ._9ADbNDlp { padding: 1rem 0; } ._O689JW7n { position: relative; } ._pDNE0kYl { position: relative; } ._pDNE0kYl { margin: 0 -15px; } ._DblQBlAM { position: relative; } ._DblQBlAM { clear: both; } ._DblQBlAM[data-parallax="true"] { position: relative; background: none !important; } ._DblQBlAM__parallax { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; background-size: cover !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; } ._DblQBlAM { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 15px 0; position: relative; } ._DblQBlAM[data-container] ._DblQBlAM__container { padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; width: auto; margin: auto; box-sizing: border-box; } ._DblQBlAM .pf-parallax__img { position: absolute; object-fit: cover; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: -1; } @media all { } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) { } @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) { } @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { } window.__pagefly_options__=window.__pagefly_options__||[],window.__pagefly_options__.push({"isBackend":false,"isPreview":false,"key":"helper","css":[],"js":[],"page_id":"60"});

The FSC is a peak body which sets mandatory Standards and develops policy for more than 100 member companies in one of Australia’s largest industry sectors, financial services..Our Full Members represent Australia’s retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, investment platforms and financial advice licensees. Our Supporting Members represent the professional services firms such as ICT, consulting, accounting, legal, recruitment, actuarial and research houses.The financial services industry is responsible for investing more than $3 trillion on behalf of over 15.6 million Australians. The pool of funds under management is larger than Australia’s GDP and the capitalisation of the Australian Securities Exchange, and is one of the largest pools of managed funds in the world.Membership of the FSC provides many benefits for both Full Members (wealth managers) and Supporting Members (professional services firms which service the wealth managers).Full MembershipWhile some of the value propositions for your type of business may be specific in some respects, Full Membership of the FSC brings with it the following benefits;Direct input into financial services policy and regulation. Your voice is heard early in the conversations.Shaping the industry and the national agenda: access to pre-consultation conversations.Access, analytics, regulatory and policy work: cut by industry/sector/business.Networking & intel gathering - a seat at the table.Access to a range of highly-credentialed policy managers across the business.Policy briefings on the latest legislative and regulatory issues free to you and your staff.Access to the member-only portal which includes information, reports and briefings unavailable to non-members.Preferential rates at all FSC events including conferences and lunches.Our monthly FSC News to keep up to date with policy and other news.Participation in the FSC’s activity at every level - including the Board, Board Committees and Working Groups to contribute to the public policy debate.Supporting MembershipWhile some of the value propositions may differ due to type of business, Supporting Membership of the FSC brings with it the following benefits;Showcase your credentials and IP to the entire financial services industry.Hear about the consultations, issues and industry changes ahead of your clients.Direct input into financial services policy and regulation.Influence the public policy debate.Unique networking and intel gathering opportunities.Access to the member-only portal which includes information, reports and briefings unavailable to non-members.Preferential rates at all FSC events including conferences and lunches.Our monthly FSC News to keep up to date with policy and other news.Access via working groups and expert groups alongside Full Members to legal, accounting and tax expertise on current and emerging issues.Associate MembershipAs an Associate Member you have access to all the information you need to stay informed and up-to-date on the key issues driving the financial services industry. This membership category is designed for organisations who need to stay informed and in touch, through access to the FSC’s news, FSC-only research papers, media releases, as well as technical and thought-leadership articles and blogs.With this information and insight, you’ll have everything you need to develop a higher level of industry expertise and profile. This gives you a significant competitive advantage over non-members. Membership includes;Access to the member-only portal on the FSC website.Policy briefings, conferences, events, seminars, all at preferential prices and survey updates.Access to professional online resources, such as submissions, FSC-only research, media releases, thought- leadership articles and blogs.Standards & GuidelinesCompliance with FSC Standards is compulsory for all Full Members.Board CommitteesEach of our policy streams has a Board Committee to steward it,co-chaired by two FSC Board Members.Working GroupsWith over 80 working groups, the FSC works on behalf of members and the industry for good public policy.Expert GroupsMade up of industry specialists, our expert groups support the policy managers.eventsThe range of events available are conferences, policy briefings, workshops, breakfast and lunches.TrainingThe FSC has a training partnerships to give members access to opportunities at preferential pricing. Additionally, the FSC runs Unit Pricing (Introductory) training.PhilanthropyAfter a successful six years with First Nations Foundation the FSC is currently considering its next philanthropic journey.Exclusive ContentThe FSC provides exclusive content for the benefit of members only.Join Financial Services CouncilFull MembershipBehind the member portal, FSC Full Members (the wealth managers) can access thought leadership, technical and specialist research provided especially for you.ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIPBehind the member portal, FSC Associate Members can access the latest news and information related to the key issues driving the financial services industry.SUPPORTING MEMBERSHIPBehind the member portal, FSC Supporting Members (our professional services firms) can access thought leadership, technical and specialist research provided especially for you. Not a member? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. 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The FSC conducts its meetings and requires its members, when participating in its meetings, to conduct themselves in accordance with all legal obligations. Please refer to the FSC competition law compliance statement below. The FSC is committed to conducting its meetings in accordance with all applicable requirements applying to it and its Members. Members of the FSC may be competitive suppliers of relevant goods and services. It is therefore important that members are aware of their obligations under the Australian Competition and Consumer Act and act in accordance with those obligations: For this purpose: Participants agree that they will not, in the context of participating in an FSC meeting, reach any arrangement or understanding with respect to the pricing or terms on which they may supply products or services in competition with each other. Participants agree that they will not engage in conduct which may have the purpose of restricting or limiting competition between participants or otherwise engage in conduct with the purpose or effect of limiting competition in a relevant market. Participants will not, in the context of an FSC meeting, disclose information which may be said to be competitively sensitive. In particular participants agree that they will not share information about current or future commercial decisions or strategy.  This includes, but is not limited to, the disclosure or current or target pricing, margins, or customers. All meetings otherwise will be conducted so as not to cause any potential breach of the Australian Consumer and Competition Law or any other relevant law.

AN EASY STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE ON HOW TO ACCESS FSC MEETINGS USING ZOOM AND MS TEAMS Step 1: Before the meeting, you will receive an invitation from the FSC meeting organiser. . Step 2: You will have the option to join the meeting via a telephone call (Audio only) or via teleconference (Audio and Video) using Zoom or MS Teams. . FOR ZOOM MEETINGS (the link in the invitation will start with https://us02web.zoom.us): By teleconference: Click on the link in the meeting invitation Click on Join with Computer Audio Click on Start Video in the bottom left hand corner of the screen Leave the meeting by clicking End, then Leave Meeting in the bottom right hand corner of the screen NB:  Remember to mute your phone unless you are speaking. . By telephone: Dial the number for your location Enter the Meeting ID, then Participant ID, then Password If you are dialing in from outside Australia, click here to find your local number . FOR MS TEAMS MEETINGS (the link in the invitation will start with https://teams.microsoft.com): By teleconference: Click on the link in the meeting invitation Click on Join Now Click on the camera icon on the left of the tool bar to start your camera Leave the meeting by clicking on the red phone handle icon on the right of the tool bar NB:  Remember to mute your phone unless you are speaking, . By telephone: Dial+ 61 2 8318 0074 Enter the Conference ID If you are dialing in from outside Australia,  click here to find your local number . If you have any questions or encounter any road bumps, please call the FSC on (02) 9299 3022.  

About the Financial Services Council's Members The Financial Services Council (FSC) has over 100 members. Our Full Members represent  Australia's retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, investment platforms and financial advisory networks. Our Supporting Members represent professional services firms such as ICT, consulting, accounting, legal, recruitment and research houses. The industry invests $3.0 trillion for more than 15.6 million Australians. The pool of funds under management is larger than Australia’s GDP, and the capitalisation of the Australian Securities Exchange is the world's third-largest pool of managed funds. The FSC promotes best practices for the financial services industry by setting mandatory Standards for its members and providing Guidance Notes to assist in operational efficiency.   

About the Financial Services Council's Members The Financial Services Council (FSC) has over 100 members. Our Full Members represent  Australia's retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, investment platforms and financial advisory networks. Our Supporting Members represent professional services firms such as ICT, consulting, accounting, legal, recruitment and research houses. The industry invests $3.0 trillion for more than 15.6 million Australians. The pool of funds under management is larger than Australia’s GDP, and the capitalisation of the Australian Securities Exchange is the world's third-largest pool of managed funds. The FSC promotes best practices for the financial services industry by setting mandatory Standards for its members and providing Guidance Notes to assist in operational efficiency.  

FSC Website - Terms of Use

This website is created and controlled by the FSC. Whenever you access or use this website, you agree to these website terms of use. The date of these website terms of use is set out below. We may change these website terms of use at our discretion. By continuing to use this website, you accept the website terms of use as they apply from time to time. The information contained on this website may change from time to time.



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The FSC does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, currency, completeness, or suitability of the content of this website or the content on this website from a commercial, legal, tax, accounting or regulatory perspective.

The use of this website is subject to any other terms and conditions prescribed by the FSC from time to time in relation to the access, use, transmission or dissemination of this website or the content on this website.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the FSC will not be liable to any person or entity for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss or damage (however caused, including due to negligence) which may arise out of, or in connection with, the use of this website or the content on this website (including without limitation the use or reliance on information, including any publication or media release, contained on or linked to from this website). Further, we do not endorse or accept any liability for the contents of any website referred to on, or linked to, this website.

You acknowledge that certain documents provided by or linked by the FSC on this website may contain their own specific terms and conditions that must be accepted and agreed in relation to downloading or purchase. These terms and conditions are contained in the documents themselves.


Intellectual Property

Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright in the information on this website is owned by the FSC. You may download and print content from this website for your own personal or internal business purposes only. You must not publish, adapt, communicate to the public, distribute to third parties, amend or make any other copy of any part of the content on this website without our prior written consent.


Third-Party Sites and Events

This website may contain links to sites maintained by other organisations. Links from this website to third-party websites or references to products, services or publications other than those of the FSC do not imply the endorsement or approval of such third-party websites, products, services or publications by the FSC.  The FSC may advertise or sponsor functions, events or other activities that may be conducted by third parties. We do not accept any responsibility in connection with your participation in activities conducted by any third party. We do not make any representation as to the accuracy of information contained on those websites and will not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, ownership or any other aspect of the information contained on those websites.



Any personal information we collect about you via this website or otherwise will only be used and disclosed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy.



The transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure or error-free. In particular, emails to or from the FSC and information submitted to or accessed via this website may not be secure and you should use discretion in deciding what information you send to us via these means.

You agree that you will not violate the security of this website, including without limitation by transmitting any harmful code or reverse engineering any part of this website.

You agree to observe any instructions or protocols provided by the FSC from time to time governing log-in processes, information security and use of passwords.


Virus Warning

The FSC does not represent that any information (including any file) obtained from or through this website is free from computer viruses or other faults or defects. It is your responsibility to scan any such information for computer viruses. The FSC will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or economic), however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise, which may result directly or indirectly from any such information. To the extent that any applicable law that cannot be excluded imposes any liability on us, that liability shall be limited to the cost of re-supplying that information.



The FSC may use cookies to identify your computer on our server and so we can track your use of this website. In some instances cookies may collect and store personal information about you. Such personal information will only be used by the FSC in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Availability of Website

The FSC does not represent or warrant that access to our website will be secure, error free, uninterrupted or timely or that the website or the related server are free of viruses, bugs or other harmful applications or interference. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and virus checks to satisfy your own requirements. The FSC may suspend your access to the website without prior notice due to maintenance, system failure, repair or any other reason beyond our control.


Governing Law

These terms of use between you and the FSC will be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia.  You agree that any dispute or legal proceeding in relation to this website shall be brought exclusively in the courts of New South Wales.


Date of Publication: 21 June 2024
Version: 1.0