CEO Update

Thank you to Financial Services Council members for your engagement and support through a successful year for the FSC as we continue to lead policy debates for members and represent you on key issues.

Financial services policy and tax settings have been a focus for the Government in the first quarter of the year, and the FSC has been at the forefront of these debates on behalf of FSC members.  

2022 saw a change of Government and with it new policy priorities for the country. Whilst financial services did not feature prominently in the election campaign, issues brought over from the previous parliament, along with the new Government’s focus, have resulted in ongoing reform and review of the sector.  

The October 2022 Budget was released by the Treasurer on Tuesday 25 October. The FSC team had two places in the Parliament House Budget lock-up and developed a comprehensive brief that was issued to members shortly after the Budget was released.

Financial services is emerging as a priority policy area for the new Government as it implements a range of election commitments early in its first term.

The Parliament resumed for its first sitting week and to begin work on the new Government’s ambitious reform agenda. Spanning climate change, industrial relations, aged and health care and the economy, the Government will not be short of challenges to manage over coming months.

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