CEO Update

As a former Canberra Press Gallery journalist, I can vouch for the fact that for political players, there’s nothing more exciting than the smell of blood in the water. 

Letter from FSC CEO Sally Loane - I want to thank members and the FSC team for an heroic effort in putting together no less than 24 submissions in response to Hayne and other proposals in the first eight weeks of the year.

Update from FSC CEO Sally Loane - It was a year where the roadmap for the Royal Commission recommendations, multiple regulatory reports, new laws and a brand new super heatmap took us into unchartered waters.

Update from FSC CEO Sally Loane - It has been a massive few months across all portfolios and there is no sign of things slowing down. 

Update from FSC CEO Sally Loane 

Update from FSC CEO Sally Loane 

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