CEO Update

Labor was successful in the recent Federal Election and has formed a new Government with a clear list of priorities for the financial services industry.  

In my first couple of months as CEO of the Financial Services Council I have sought to meet with as many FSC members as possible, to understand from their perspective what the FSC is doing well, and where we can improve.  

The FSC Board has appointed me CEO of the FSC and I look forward to the opportunity to lead the public policy debate and support FSC members navigate political and regulatory challenges.

2022 has started with a bang! The FSC and our members have already seen significant progress on key policies this year with parliament passing the Retirement Income Covenant and the Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle regime. 

At the beginning of this year I took over as Acting CEO for the Financial Services Council after Sally Loane stood down after seven years leading the organisation.

I am leaving the FSC after seven years – almost to the day – at the end of this year. 

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