Media Release

The Financial Services Council (FSC) notes the Government’s decision to consult on whether to reform the Your Future, Your Super performance test to avoid discouraging superannuation fund investment decisions away from investments that would strengthen the national economy.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the Government progressing the climate-related financial disclosures regime with the Treasurer’s introduction into Parliament of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and other measures) Bill.

The Joint Associations Working Group (JAWG) is calling on the Government to move swiftly to fix legislation introduced into the Parliament so that it doesn’t make advice more unaffordable and less accessible for consumers.

New research released today by the Financial Services Council (FSC) shows that removing barriers for superannuation funds and fund managers to transition consumers to modern investment products would result in consumers retiring with cumulatively $16 billion more by 2050, lifting their collective retirement income by $22 billion during their retirement.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) is today pleased to launch the State of the Funds Management Industry Report prepared by KPMG, which lifts the lid on the regulatory and tax policy settings that are limiting Australia’s funds management industry becoming a major global financial services centre. 

The Financial Services Councils of Australia and New Zealand are delighted to announce the Hon Peter Costello AC will headline the first ever Trans-Tasman Strategic Leaders Summit, being held on 4-6 March 2024 in Auckland.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) is pleased to announce responsibility for the Life Insurance Code of Practice (Life Code) will transition to the Council of Australian Life Insurers (CALI) effective, 29 September 2023.

The Financial Services Councils of Australia and New Zealand are delighted to announce the release of super early bird tickets for the first ever Trans-Tasman Strategic Leaders Summit, being held on 4-6 March 2024 in Auckland.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) announces the appointment of two senior industry leaders, Alexis George, Chief Executive Officer, AMP and Matt Rady, Chief Executive Officer of BT Financial Group, to the FSC Board.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) has welcomed the release of today’s Performance Test results for MySuper and Trustee Directed Products. 

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the Government's announcement to strengthen the accessibility of retirement products to help Australians make the most of their superannuation savings as part of releasing the 2023 Intergenerational Report.

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes important changes to financial services products, superannuation funds and life insurance policies that come into effect on 1 July 2023.