News Article

Over-regulation has caused the unprecedented attrition of advisers from the industry. The advice sector begins the year with an estimated 18,500 advisers, having experienced a 25% decline from over 25,000 advisers three years ago, in a market of 2.6 million consumers of financial services.   

2022 has started with a bang! The FSC and our members have already seen significant progress on key policies this year with parliament passing the Retirement Income Covenant and the Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle regime. 

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) recently issued an alert supporting Australian organisations adopting an enhanced cyber security position to improve their cyber security resilience in the current “heightened threat environment”. 

On 25 November 2021, the Senate referred the Financial Accountability Regime and CSLR legislation to the Economics Legislation Committee (Committee) for inquiry and report by 15 February 2022. 

On the 3rd of March 2022, the Federal Government confirmed its strong expectation that Australian superannuation funds will review their investment portfolios and take steps to divest any holdings in Russian assets.  

The revised Foreign Financial Services Provider Bill was introduced on 17 February 2022 in the House of Representatives. 

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