News Article

The FSC continues work on updating the FSC investment management agreement (IMA). The FSC is continuing dialogue with members and legal counsel what some of the key changes and updates are likely to be.

It’s almost thirty years to the day marking Australia’s transformation into a nation of compulsory savers with the introduction of the superannuation guarantee. From humble beginnings, our superannuation system is now the fourth largest pension system in the world. 

Welcome to Issue 63 of the FSC Policy Update.

The Morrison Government’s announcement to allow access to superannuation for first home buyers to fund a deposit will undermine the purpose of the superannuation system and could force up to 5.3 million young Australians to decide between owning a home or their retirement savings.

A regulatory framework that empowers consumers to get limited advice on simple or basic issues is the key outcome the FSC seeks from the Quality of Advice Review.

In my first couple of months as CEO of the Financial Services Council I have sought to meet with as many FSC members as possible, to understand from their perspective what the FSC is doing well, and where we can improve.  

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