News Article

The Financial Services Council (FSC) welcomes the Government’s decision to pause the extension of the Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) performance test beyond MySuper products for 12 months, and to review the YFYS laws.

ASIC released new and updated guidance for corporate collective investment vehicles (CCIVs) on 23 June. The requirements come into effect on 1 July 2022, when the CCIVs regime commences. 

ASIC is conducting a targeted consultation in response to a FSC request for life insurers to be exempt from the design and distribution obligations (DDO) in certain limited situations.  

It’s been just over a month since the 2022 Federal Election, with the new Albanese Government getting off to a quick start. Key Treasury Ministers have been confirmed with Treasurer Jim Chalmers, Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones and Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury Andrew Leigh rounding out the Treasury Benches. 

With Financial Services Minister, Hon Stephen Jones, reinforcing no changes to the Terms of Reference for the Quality of Advice Review last week, one thing is clear: reducing the cost of providing advice to allow more advice on the issues consumers need and want while ensuring they are protected - is the key issue before the Review.

Labor was successful in the recent Federal Election and has formed a new Government with a clear list of priorities for the financial services industry.  

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