Is that the sound of the first shredding of red tape in financial services?

Formerly BlackRock’s Head of Client Business for Asia-Pacific, based in Hong Kong for five years, Andrew Landman has returned to Australia during an exceptionally interesting time for the financial services sector. We asked Andrew to comment on some of today’s key industry activities.

Welcome to Issue 42 of the FSC Policy Update – a fortnightly member briefing on the main legislative and regulatory changes across the financial services industry. With three weeks until the Federal Budget is handed down on 6 October, the Government has flagged accelerated personal income tax cuts, tax incentives for businesses to support economic growth and further support for pensioners.

Welcome to Issue 41 of the FSC Policy Update – a fortnightly member briefing on the main legislative and regulatory changes across the financial services industry. The FSC was pleased to host an event with the Shadow Minister for Financial Services, Stephen Jones MP, last Friday to discuss a range of issues with FSC members that are impacting the financial services industry.

Last week, APRA published a gloomy set of quarterly numbers showing that the life insurance industry made a total net loss after tax of $179 million for the March to June 2020 quarter on individual income protection products (IP). 

Inevitably, the broadening of superannuation early release rules as part of the COVID-19 response has led us back to debating whether we should extend the existing First Home Super Saver scheme.

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