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Lisa Schutz is Managing Director of Verifier – a consumer driven data sharing platform that puts people in control of their data to get better service and better outcomes in financial services.

Welcome to Issue 47 of the FSC Policy Update – a fortnightly member briefing on the main legislative and regulatory changes across the financial services industry. Parliament has entered its final sitting period of the year, with a continued focus on the Government’s Royal Commission reforms and the ‘Your Future, Your Super’ reforms. Parliament has re-opened to external visitors, and the FSC is pleased to have been able to return to Canberra for in-person meetings with the Government, Opposition and public service.

It might be the year all of us wish to forget, but the consequences of COVID-19 have been defining moments for many – and for advice, 2021 is the year in which the industry charts a new course.

Welcome to Issue 46 of the FSC Policy Update – a fortnightly member briefing on the main legislative and regulatory changes across the financial services industry. Parliament resumes next Monday 30 November for the final two-week sitting of the year.

Climate change. Regulation. COVID-19. Recession. Populism. All these topics and more were tackled by local and international speakers at the FSC’s inaugural Investment Summit this week. 

The economist Milton Friedman famously said that in a market economy, ‘there is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game.’ 

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