News Article

Eighteen months ago, we set wheels in motion for a significant long-term project, to map the value of financial advice for Australians.

I’m not a financial adviser, but that doesn’t stop everyone, from colleagues to family members to my hairdresser, asking what they should do with their super.

Welcome to Issue 50 of the FSC Policy Update. In 2021, this member briefing on the main legislative and regulatory changes across the financial services industry will be issued monthly.  Parliament has entered an extended break before the release of the Federal Budget, which will be handed down on Tuesday 11 May.

Legacy products are financial products that are well past their “use by” date, as they are no longer issued to new retail customers and over time the number of remaining few customers gradually decreases. 

As a former Canberra Press Gallery journalist, I can vouch for the fact that for political players, there’s nothing more exciting than the smell of blood in the water. 

The FSC wants comprehensive debate about the affordability and accessibility of financial advice in Australia, and the best solutions to secure that.

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