News Article

Have you heard of the Australian Death Notification Service? Well if you have, you’re in the minority.

Welcome to Issue 53 of the FSC Policy Update. Parliament sat for two weeks in June and passed three separate pieces of superannuation legislation, including the ‘Your Future, Your Super’, ‘More Flexible Super’ and ‘SMSF’ Bills. Their passage represents a win for the Government, given the hard-fought nature of the reforms, and will result in significant reform to the superannuation, funds management and life insurance sectors.

So why did you join the FSC? Most firms do so for our expertise in policy development and advocacy.

APRA has released its draft Prudential Practice Guide CPG 229 on managing climate change financial risks.

Welcome to Issue 52 of the FSC Policy Update. Parliament is in the middle of an extended period of sitting over May and June before a long winter recess that runs from the end of June until early August.

Welcome to Issue 51 of the FSC Policy Update. The Government released the draft regulations for the ‘Your Future, Your Super’ package, completing the picture on the most significant overhaul of the superannuation since the Stronger Super reforms.

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