News Article

The 2023 FSC Diversity Survey found that women comprise 29% of investment teams amongst respondent fund managers. This compares to investment team representation of 25% in the first year the survey was conducted and 27% in the 2022 survey. The survey of 16 global and domestic fund manager members found that all wanted to improve diversity in investment teams, with the majority (94%) tracking gender diversity statistics within their organisation and 88% tracking gender diversity within their investment teams. Read more

BREAKING DDO NEWS: Nil complaints reports will be dropped; DDO won’t apply to employers issuing staff with default super; the personal advice exemption is being fixed. We’ve advocated strongly for this red tape to be removed, and welcome these amendments which will assist the efficient start of the mandatory regime on 5 October.  ASIC insiders are calling October 5 “Black Tuesday.” For FSC members and other financial services firms working around the clock to meet the deadline for several major new legal regimes, the humour is very dark indeed. 

Share your views on the draft Life Insurance Code of Practice 2.0. .

A shiny new Intergenerational Report (IGR) is like Christmas for policy wonks. 

The FSC was proud to launch the FSC Women in Investment Management Charter (WIM Charter) at a recent joint event with Mercer, which delivered solutions to improve gender diversity in investment management.

The Government is consulting on its rollout of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) to various parts of the economy by the end of this decade. 

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