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Standard Std 29 Fraud & Scam Mitigation Measures for Superannuation Funds ( pdf, 4.29 MB )
Standard FSC Standards Fact Sheet ( pdf, 158 KB )
Standard FSC S21 (July 2022) ( pdf, 4.21 MB )
Standard FSC S27 ( pdf, 4.14 MB )
Standard FSC S20 ( pdf, 680 KB )
Standard Standard 26 Consent for accessing Health Information ( pdf, 171 KB )
Standard Standard 26 Consent for accessing Health Information ( pdf, 158 KB )
Standard Standard 24 Life Insurance Approved Product List Policy ( pdf, 126 KB )
Standard Standard 13 (May 2020) ( pdf, 162 KB )
Standard Standard 1 (from 1 July 2018 to 14 April 2020) ( pdf, 711 KB )
Standard FSC Standard 25 Life Insurance Industry Data Collection Policy ( pdf, 121 KB )
Standard FSC Standard 24 Life Insurance Approved Product List Policy ( pdf, 128 KB )
Standard FSC Standard 26 Consent for accessing Health Information ( pdf, 282 KB )
Standard FSC Standard 11 Moratorium on Genetic Tests in Life Insurance ( pdf, 205 KB )
Standard FSC Standard 10 Presentation of Past Performance Information and Visual Promotions ( pdf, 118 KB )
Standard 25S Life Insurance Data Collection Policy.pdf ( pdf, 89 KB )
Standard Standard No.1 - Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct ( pdf, 148 KB )
Standard 24S APL Standard FINAL.pdf ( pdf, 424 KB )
Standard Standard 23 ( pdf, 464 KB )
Standard 16S Family History.pdf ( pdf, 408 KB )
Standard 11S Genetic Testing Policy final.pdf ( pdf, 354 KB )
Standard 22SCulturalCapabilityinNativeTitleServices_May2015.pdf ( pdf, 435 KB )
Standard 21S Mental Health Education Program and Training Standard FINAL 22 August 2013.pdf ( pdf, 438 KB )
Standard 13S Voting Policy Voting Record and Disclosure (Final updated Standard 13 issued 26 March 2013).pdf ( pdf, 595 KB )
Standard Standard No. 13 Voting Policy, Voting Record and Disclosure ( pdf, 643 KB )
Standard Standard No. 18 - Best Practice Guidance for Disclosure in the Mortgage Trust Sector ( pdf, 119 KB )
Standard FSC FINANCIAL SYSTEM INQUIRY– Phase TWO | Chapter two: Consumer Outcomes ( pdf, 759 KB )
Standard Standard No. 17 - Incorrect Pricing of Scheme Units - Correction and Compensation ( pdf, 46 KB )
Standard Standard No. 16 - Family Medical History Policy ( pdf, 38 KB )
Standard Standard No. 10 - Presentation of Past Performance Information and Visual Promotions ( pdf, 33 KB )
Standard Standard No. 11 - Genetic Testing Policy ( pdf, 39 KB )

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